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Selectmen Minutes 01/29/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 29, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent

Mr. Kenneally brought to the attention of the Board; several line items within his budget that he feels are under funded.  These accounts were overspent last year and he is asking the Boards opinion on whether or not to increase the budget or stay the same.

Selectman MacCleery advised to adjust the numbers within the total highway budget and not to change the bottom line.

Selectman DeBold advised to hold the line on trucking but he would consider an increase to the fuel line.

Chairman Colbert was not in favor of playing with numbers.  The Board has worked very hard to properly track expenses.  

A discussion took place regarding the fuel line. All fuel for all vehicles, for all projects is charged to this line.  There is not a breakout for what fuel was used on the Center Road project.  The Board agreed not to change figures at this time.

Mr. Kenneally informed the Board that the Town may apply for the State portion (typically not returned to Town’s) of the FEMA flood reimbursement money.

 The topic of shoveling the walkways and emergency exits surrounding town buildings was again discussed.  The Road Agents recommendation to the Board, should they decide it is a highway department function, would be to add a plow to the old blazer and contract someone to be responsible just for shoveling and maintaining those areas. Nothing was decided this evening.

Mr. Kenneally brought to the Board his concern with the recent snowmobile activity particularly on Center Road but also other roads in town.  The snowmobiles are traveling in the ditch lines that run parallel to the roadway.  This is packing the ditch lines and will result in damage to the roadways should heavy rains occur. The water will have nowhere else to go but into the road.  David has spoken to the police department about the issue.  The question raised was whether extra patrols could be scheduled and covered under the OHRV grant the Town has received.  The Board directed Lisa to send a memo to the police department requesting the department step up enforcement on Center Road immediately and Mr. Kenneally will forward a list of other problem roadways to the office.  Also, Lisa will speak to the NH Fish & Game department to make them aware of the situation.

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BOS minutes
January 29, 2008

Selectman MacCleery spoke to the Road Agent regarding a complaint he received about excessive speed by the plow truck on Deer Meadow Road.    Chairman Colbert also had comment mentioned to him regarding the speed of the plow truck coming down Bear Hill Road.  Selectman MacCleery stated employees must have respect for the trucks and the roads. There is a need to address the speeds with the personnel.  Mr. Kenneally stated he would speak to his drivers.


A request to use the grange hall for a funeral reception was discussed by the Board.  Currently, the Board has stopped the use of the hall for private functions until proper handling and monitoring of the use can be worked out.  The Selectman again discussed the need for a steward of the building to ensure the doors are locked, the heat is off, the windows are closed, no damage was done, the water wasn’t left running, the trash was carry in carry out…..  Additionally it was suggested to further limit the type of approved use and the hours of rental.  Nothing was finalized this evening.

The Selectmen made a final review and correction to the warrant, budget and supporting narratives for the public hearing next Tuesday evening.

Correspondence received from Levitina regarding her alleged zoning violation was discussed at length.  The Board feels strongly that a business is being run from this location and directed Lisa to speak with town counsel regarding this matter.  

Lisa reported to the Board her findings on the issue of whether or not the project approved for White Birches Condominiums on Trap Road has completed “active and substantial development” to be considered a vested project.  According to State Statute, RSA 674:39;Regulation of Subdivision, Four-Year Exemption, paragraph IV states-“Failure of a planning board to specify a subdivision plat or site plat approval what shall constitute “active and substantial development or building” shall entitle the subdivision plat or site plan approved by the planning board to the 4-year exemptions.  There are no stipulations on record in the planning board file for this project; therefore the approval is entitled to the four year exemption.

The Board had a roundtable discussion on their individual impressions of their hearing held before the Board of Adjustment regarding the assessment of the Impact Fee Schedule on the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman Colbert to adjourn the meeting at 9:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Administrator                                                           Approved AS Written     

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman           Richard DeBold                                      Stephen MacCleery